About 40 volunteers came out to help with the spring cleanup of Marumsco Creek and the surrounding flood plain and wetland, in Veteran’s Park. They collected and carried out:
- 90 bags of trash
- 8 tires
- 4 mattresses
- 1 safe
- 12 wooden palletsĀ
- 1 shopping cart
This trash was carried downstream from developed areas by stormwater and deposited in the wetland. The trash bags were filled with plastic bottles and containers of all types.
Thank you to the volunteers who helped with this cleanup, including the Navy Junior ROTC cadets from Osbourn Park High School in Manassas. Also, thanks to the PW Soil & Water Conservation District for providing supplies and staffing the registration table; and to the PWC Parks & Rec Dept staff who hauled the collected trash to the dumpster.