Boardwalk installed on section of Potomac Heritage Trail (June 2, 2012)
On National Trails Day a partnership of the Prince William Trails & Streams Coalition, Potomac Heritage Trail Association, REI and the PWC Park Authority continued work on the Potomac Heritage Trail along Powell’s Creek. Forty-four volunteers participated, installing boardwalk at seven points along the trail for crossing small streams or passing through low wet areas, and installing a short bridge where a stream flows through a gully. The heavy rains late in the month of May, and rainfall on Friday night before the workday, emphasized the need for boardwalk in this area. Volunteers encountered muddy conditions as they carried material to the work sites and constructed the boardwalk. But these improvements will make the trail more usable for the residents of the nearby Powells Landing and Port Potomac communities, and any other visitors exploring this section of the Potomac Heritage Trail.
Boardwalk over muddy area
Zoe after expounding the great truths
Team work
Working together 2
Working together
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