About 60 volunteers participated in the cleanup on Saturday morning, removing about 80 bags of trash, three tires and a long list of miscellaneous items from the Marumsco Creek wetland and floodplain in Veteran’s Park. Stormwater carries the trash in from developed areas upstream and deposits it in the wetland. The bulk of the trash was beverage bottles and other plastic containers.
Special thanks to the group of 25 cadets from the Osbourn Park HS Jr ROTC (Navy) program for their help with the cleanup, and hauling out many of the larger, heavier items. And thanks to the volunteers from the Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization who participated in this and many of our other cleanups over the years.
Other items found in the wetland include: recycling bins, mattress, lawn chair, storage bins, pallets, tricycle, plastic child’s toy car, soccer balls (and basketballs, footballs, softballs), and auto-body parts.
Our thanks to the PWC Parks Dept staff were on hand to haul the collected trash to the dumpster, and to the PW Soil & Water Conservation District for providing supplies and staffing the registration table at the cleanup.