The community celebrated a significant milestone in the trail development project on Thursday morning, Dec 7, 2023. PWC elected officials, Parks Dept staff, Lake Ridge Parks & Recreation Association (LRPRA) board members and staff, and trail enthusiasts gathered for the ribbon cutting of the 110-foot bridge crossing the Hedges Run stream. Through an agreement between PWC and LRPRA, the Parks Dept is developing the public trail which will extend to the Town of Occoquan when complete. Occoquan District Supervisor Boddye noted that we have natural areas available for outdoor recreation right in our Lake Ridge community, and encouraged residents to use the trail and new bridge to enjoy them. Additional projects are well underway to further develop and improve the trail: a new bridge will be installed on Segment 2 along with realignment of a short trail section; a footbridge will be replaced on Segment 4; and a new 130-foot bridge will be built across Hooes Run, which will greatly improve access to the Hooes Run open area for walking, biking, and viewing the scenic Occoquan reservoir. A map of the Occoquan Greenway Trail is available here