About 60 volunteers ranged throughout the Marumsco Creek floodplain and wetland within Veteran’s Park to remove trash that had been deposited from stormwater surges. The volunteers retrieved 78 bags of trash, 18 tires, 9 five-gallon buckets and a number of other large items (lawn chair, pedal car, kiddy pool, shopping cart, traffic barrel, fire extinguisher, cooler…). The bulk of the trash was plastic bottles and other plastic containers.
Thanks to the volunteers, including:
- the Junior Air Force ROTC group from Hylton HS
- Northern VA GeoCaching Organization (NoVAGO)
- families (it’s great to see parents engaging their children in this stewardship activity)
- and the individuals who live nearby and are regulars at Veteran’s Park, or came from across the county to help out with this cleanup.
Thanks to the PW Soil & Water Conservation District, and to the PW Dept of Parks, Recreation & Tourism for supporting this event.