About 50 volunteers came out on Saturday morning for the trash cleanup at the boardwalk in Neabsco Regional Park. They collected 43 bags of trash (mixed bag sizes) and six tires from the area near the boardwalk. Staff from the PWC Dept of Parks, Recreation and Tourism hauled the trash away. It appears that less trash is being washed downstream by stormwater than in the past. A litter trap was installed on Neabsco Creek in late 2021 and is capturing trash there, keeping it from being deposited further downstream in the floodplain and wetland, and in the boardwalk area. (a video of the opening ceremony is posted here ). The map below shows the location of the litter trap. There is noticeably less trash in the creek itself downstream from the litter trap.
Many thanks to the volunteers who participated in the cleanup, and to the Parks staff who loaded it on trucks and hauled it away!
These organizations sponsored the event:
- PWC Dept of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
- PW Trails & Streams Coalition
- PW Soil & Water Conservation District