The litter trap on Neabsco Creek has been in operation since Nov 2021 (see the news release by PWC).
On January 26, representatives from PWC Public Works, PW Soil & Water Conservation District, and volunteer organizations (PWTSC, Woodbridge-Potomac Communities Civic Association) cleared out the litter trap and tallied the trash that had accumulated since the last collection. About 80 lbs of trash was removed, including 150 plastic bottles and the long list of items below. The litter trap is located a short distance downstream from Rt 1, and is capturing trash before it is deposited in the floodplain, or near the Neabsco Boardwalk, or carried further out into the watershed.
Broken skate board
Broken ice chest cooler
Three cardboard boxes
1 large 3’x3’ styrofoam cube
47 McDonalds plastic balls
8 Plastic cups
5 Plastic to go bowls
6 Plastic bags
3 Gallon jugs
17 large pieces Styrofoam
54 Small pieces styrofoam
3 Styrofoam plates
18 Styrofoam cups
15 Aluminum cans
1 beverage sachets
Food wrapper
50 Various plastic pieces
Fishing lure
2 ziploc bag
Plastic storage bag small