The following is Mayer Earnie Porta’s report on the trail work day, from his Mayor’s E-Newsletter Update dated September 28, 2020.
Tanyard Hill Park Trail Available for Use!
This past Saturday’s trail work day was so successful that the Town of Occoquan now has a usable trail on our Tanyard Hill Park property at the corner of Old Bridge and Tanyard Hill Roads! Guided by the experienced trail hands of the 501(c)(3) Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition (PWTSC), more than a dozen volunteers, including Town residents, showed up in the damp conditions of Saturday morning to mark and clear the trail and pick up trash. The result far exceeded expectations. While there is substantial finishing work to do over the coming months, the trail route is now identifiable and suitable for use by walkers, hikers, and runners.
The 17-acre Tanyard Hill property was purchased by the Town in 2014 and placed in a conservation easement to preserve it from development.
The new trail, with a length of just over half a mile, winds through the wooded parcel and includes several easy stream crossings and several changes in elevation. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months as we sponsor trail walks and additional work days.
In the meantime, thank you to everyone who came out to help make the envisioned trail a reality!