Saturday, March 17, 2012, Prince William (PW) Park Authority sponsored an Adopt-A-Stream cleanup on Marumsco Creek in Veterans Park in partnership with PW Trails and Streams Coalition, PW Soil & Water Conservation District, Keep PW Beautiful, Neabsco Action Alliance, and PW County (Youth Ambassador Program). Over 70 volunteers came out to help fill 2 large roll off dumpsters with trash (including grocery carts, a couch, chairs, 2 televisions, lawn furniture, large trash cans, many 5 gallon buckets, toys, lumber, plywood, balls, a bicycle, a tricycle, an animal cage, a construction barrel, plastic and metal pipe, hundreds of bottles, cans, food wrappers, pieces of Styrofoam, plastic bags, and more) They also pulled 37 tires and a several hundred pounds of hazardous waste (including a 5 gallon bucket of paint, oil cans, propane tanks, gas cans, fire extinguishers, various types of spray cans, a large fuel tank, engine parts, and more) out of Marumsco Creek. The hard working volunteers removed a total of 7,105 pounds of trash in just 3 hours!
a real find – digging it out
a real find – getting closer
it’s a new bike – well, not NEW
the proud new owner
Belinda and Holly
Brian and Scott loading gator
helping tally the trash
Holly hard at work
taking a break to watch his favorite TV show
this is fun!
they are off to see the wizard!
thanks for recycling
moochas smoochas!
Mike wading across with barrel
loading the gator
propane tank
super volunteer
using the waders
just getting started
Kelly hard at work
love those boots!
Zoe, Earnie and tire
more help
Lynda in her finest
and the metal drum was full! (of air)
Zoe – keeping it real…muddy